About Me

I got started making witchy crafts because I just couldn’t find exactly what I was looking for to decorate my altar and spaces.

My family is from Puerto Rico, and witchcraft (brujería) on the Islands is a mix of indigenous rites, rituals from African ancestors, Catholicism, and contemporary Pagan-influenced practice. Many had to hide their traditional beliefs behind Catholic symbols so they could practice their true religions in secret.

Much of those practices were wiped away or deeply hidden since Catholicism is still very prevalent and deems witchcraft sinful. And since I was raised in the United States, it’s been a tough road figuring out how to form my personal craft around these complex pieces of identity.

So on my journey towards figuring out my own brand of witchcraft, I’ve taken bits and pieces from all of it, and am making what makes sense to me. And, hopefully, can help others like me as they figure it out.

So thank you for stopping by, reading my story, and please reach out if you have any questions. <3

About my Products

Just like my craft, my products are an eclectic mix of wares, from handmade trinkets to thrifted finds to print-on-demand designs. Whenever possible I outline in the item description the origin, and as I organize and expand my site I plan on having dedicated sections for each type of product to make it eaiser for folks to find exactly what they’re looking for. 

If you ever have any questions about what I offer, please feel free to message me! Find your preferred mode of contact on my Contact Me Page! 

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